A great looking slice of fantasy. It really inspires me to crack down and focus on my own work!! I really should do more layout stuff.
A great looking slice of fantasy. It really inspires me to crack down and focus on my own work!! I really should do more layout stuff.
u r arely good artist
U should be a artist or u r O.O
Even for doing really stylized pieces such as yours, looking up reference pictures, or if you can't find a similar photo reference... get a camera, and take pictures of yourself in the same or similar pose, and work from that!
Drawing your own hands, and those of others a lot will also help you learn the structure, you need!
Keep on learning!
I have this folder for references and I frequently abuse posemaniacs...xD all. the. time...I'm just not good with using these...sources ^^; i fail hardcore don't I?
Looks Great!
I really like your very fine linework!
All the pokemon look great, and I like how you added a little bit of personality to each of them!
Hooray for detailed Pokemon! I think they should make a new series with the kids who grew up with Pokemon.... and are now in their 20's.... i.e. me.
Great Work!
Nice Work!
Very nice use of folds in fabric, and I particularly like the look of the guard's mask.
Only a few things set me off, The "King" doesn't appear very kingly, if anything he looks less regal than his cohorts.
Also, the dog doesn't look much like a dog to me. It Lacks neck, and has rather "human" looking arms.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks alot for that, there a few things in this needs working on. and also i'm not very good at drawing animals but it couldn't hurt to practice.
Lovely! Though mayhaps some cast shadow on the clouds?
Oh, and a whale with a Jetpack.... Could explain why there is only one J.Fish!
Great! But...
Proportions seem off!! @_@
You did a v.good job at rendering her skin!
People come in all shapes and sizes. Her proportions just happen to differ from your ideal standard.
Lo! I am Vor! I work in the video game industry, and I do everything from concepts to 3Dmodeling, and animation! I also like to do 2d animation! I hope to get some stuff up here v.soon! Including my very own exciting superhero series! More to come!
Age 38, Male
3dGame Dev
Joined on 11/3/09